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Stage 3 - Grand Parents

Boaz RoyChowdhury We became Grand Parents on the 9th August 2015. Meet Boaz RoyChowdhury who is two months 5 days old, 57 weeks old, ...

Monday, January 04, 2010


2010 has arrived, no rapture and to be truthful I didn't prepare. Funny, the movie 2012 and Armageddon documentary, publications all subtly point to one thing, CHANGEs .

But why would it be different? We are not thinking differently, I know I am not.

Looking back I see the future.

This wooden jar has my potpourri, my type. It contains spices, flowers, leaves, moss, lemon oil, potpourri oils and cloves, cinnamon ... things I've picked up and added to during my last 2 years in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

2002 to 2005, I opened it frequently. look through the bits and remember, smell the smells of my past. The moss from the trees on the edge of Ngonrongoro Crater, the nutmeg from the spice farm in Zanzibar, the sea shell from Cape Point in Cape Town, the twig from the Table Mountain ... the leaf from Glasgow, some lemon slices I added in sometime ago here in Pune. A piece of walnut shell from Manipur, they are unusual the shell is very crinkly.
The jar contains highlights of our lives, like my mind.

Tatting: was the craft I worked with, I tatted Christmas Baubles. Made pocket money and pursued my hobby with joy. I knitted for Kyrie and I crocheted for our home. Stars for our dining table.

2003 I got a job, what a blessed event. Royston then got a job just when our money ran out! Jehovah is the God who provides. My mother had her cataract operation, sadly unsuccessful. New friends were made that have made big differences in our lives and who are dear to me.

2004 moved to Naga Christian Fellowship, a Church that has blessed us as a family and who have introduced us to the next type of Church. A whole different set of friends. New avenues were pursued.

Tatting: Jewelry now! and making some sales too.

2005 still working hard to make ends meet, always having Jehovah provide via my sister in the nick of time. My mum has another operation to remove a split lens within her eye, Jehovah was our healer.

Tatting: is still the craft. The Jewelry is still making an impact.

In 2006 I went to Glasgow for a month in November, the repercussions were immense and all personal. Jehovah was our shield and protector.

2007 was regrouping and manning different battle stations. Under Jehovah's wing.

2008 we got internet connectivity at home and Face Book brought back my past. Joyous! friends I had never thought I would ever connect with again found me! Jehovah bringing light.

2009 I turned 49 and have not been so fat as I am now. I look back and see the fragments of my connection with Jehovah my provider, my healer and my light.

Wire Wrapping Jewelry takes precedence over Tatting: Sales are better, results are quicker. Investing every penny back for better tools and knowledge.

I look to 2010, Jehovah will you take my hand?


Ridgewoman said...

I am so glad to see you blogging again. I missed you my friend. I pray God's blessings upon you and his Spirit to guide you. Challenges have been frequent in our home this past year, also. But, as you say, God will provide and give us strength as our day.
Love, In Christ, Bev

Unknown said...

Thank you Bev, I have been neglecting my site, but have been working on several things!

Unknown said...

Sally! I loved "2010" I am looking forward to your "2013" blog! I like it more when you write anecdotally about your own life rather. I hope you will write more about your experiences in the places you've been and are. I love your descriptive and thoughtful writing style. Please write more! - Tessy